Home World Tree plantation begins at New Gwadar International Airport

Tree plantation begins at New Gwadar International Airport

4 min read

GWADAR, Sept. 6 (INP): A tree plantation drive has kicked off at New Gwadar International Airport (NGIA) under the “Green Coverage Initiative” as part of fulfilling the commitment to BRI’s global greener practices.

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) and China Overseas Ports Holding Company (COPHC) have been collaborating in the afforestation process to beautify the ambience that will help bolster the environmental landscape, Gwadar Pro reported.

In the first phase, which started on September 3rd, more than 3 kilometers of incoming and outgoing roads at NGIA are being brought under tree coverage. 

During the second phase, trees will be planted on designated patches of the airport to boost the green ecosystem across 4,300 acres of NGIA.

A GDA official told Gwadar Pro that most plants have been sourced from the Plant Tissue Culture Lab and Greenhouse, which is an integral part of the Belt and Road Engineering Research Center for Tropical Arid Non-Wood Forest. 

This center is built and operated in cooperation with Central South University of Forestry and Technology, China, COPHC, and Yulin Holding Co., Ltd. within the premises of the Gwadar Port South Free Zone area.

He said that Gwadar has a hot desert climate, characterized by little precipitation and high variation between summer and winter temperatures. 

Serious soil salinization has led to a low survival rate of plants, he added. “Keeping in view the local ecological challenges, we are planting tropical economic tree species that can adapt to high temperature, salt and alkali, wind and sand, and draught,” he added.



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