Home Business Pakistan makes $179m from transport services export

Pakistan makes $179m from transport services export

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ISLAMABAD, Nov 4 (INP-WealthPK): Pakistan made $179.940 million by rendering various transport services in different countries during the first two months of this fiscal year, in comparison to the same period last year, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS)’s data revealed.

This shows an increase of 104.55% when compared to the $87.970 million in transport services revenue from the same time period last fiscal year (2021-22).

The exports of sea transport services witnessed an increase of 516.60 %, during the period under review, going up from $10.120 million last year to $62.400 million during the months under review.

Among the sea transport services, the exports of freight services increased by 621.75% from $5.930 million last year to $42.800 million whereas the exports of other sea transport services also increase by 367.78 % from $4.190 million to $19.600 million current year.

The exports of air transport rose by 49.44 % going up from $75.890 million last year to $113.410 million during July-August (2022-23), the PBS data showed.

Among the air transport services, the exports of passenger services increased by 53.47%, from $49.490 million to $75.950 million, whereas the exports of freight services increased by 80.20 %, from $4.090 million to $7.370 million. Moreover, the export of other air transport services also increased by 34.87% from $22.310 million to $30.090 million.

Meanwhile, the exports of road transport services during the months under review witnessed a growth of 358.18% going up from $0.0550 million to $2.520 million during this year.

Among the road transport services, the exports of freight services increased by 180%, from $0.300 million to $0.840 million during the fiscal year under review, while the export of postal and courier services also increased by 572%, from $0.250 million to $1.680 million, the PBS said.


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