Home Latest Warrior woman’s sculpture ‘vandalised’ in Islamabad Park

Warrior woman’s sculpture ‘vandalised’ in Islamabad Park

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ISLAMABAD, Nov 3 (FD ): Unknown persons allegedly vandalised the sculpture of a symbolic brave woman, installed in the city’s Kachnar Park in I-8 sector, exposing the utter inefficiency of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) as the park management remained oblivious to this tragedy until the issue was highlighted on social media. However, the CDA has been denying this by saying that no incident of vandalism took place and the statue fell down because it was too heavy.

The issue came to the fore on Wednesday morning when park visitors, who also run a Facebook page titled ‘Friends of Kachnar Park’, highlighted it.

The CDA, with the help of an artist had installed the sculpture in the park in March this year, which was dedicated to brave women in society.

A university teacher, Tahir Malik, after seeing the broken statue tweeted: “Shameful act of vandalism in Kachnar Park … CDA and Islamabad police should take strict action.”

In response to a tweet posted by a university teacher, the CDA stated that the statue had been re-fixed and the civic agency will also get a first information report (FIR) registered.

“Regarding the unfortunate incident of vandalism of the sculpture in Kachnar Park, directions have been issued for registration of an FIR. Meanwhile, it has been re-fixed and instructions have been issued to enhance the security of all parks. Possibility of the staff’s negligence is also being investigated,” the CDA tweeted, adding that, “appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in case of negligence”.


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