Home Latest Atta Tarar accuses IK of maligning institutions for political designs

Atta Tarar accuses IK of maligning institutions for political designs

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ISLAMABAD, Oct 12 (ABC):Special Assistant to Prime Minister Atta Ullah Tarar on Wednesday said former Prime Minister Imran Khan had himself recorded audios even of his party members and now was maligning national institutions when his real face was exposed.

Addressing a press conference here, he said audios leaks had established his dirty political game that how he had been using a diplomatic cipher to make so-called political motives and what he had declared horse trading a curse in which he himself was involved.

He said the politics of Imran Khan had damaged diplomatic relations with different countries and “this person was still putting the country’s interests at stake for his political gains”. He would be answerable for his wrongdoings such as foreign funding case, money laundering, etc, Tarar added.

The SAPM said Principal Secretary to the former prime minister Azam Khan used to “present him with transcripts of audios every morning”, adding before the start of office, they used to record, for their “nefarious purposes” but now he was criticizing institutions on audios leak, reflecting his double standards.

He said the recent situation in Swat and the poor law and order situation in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) was the “failure of the provincial government” to maintain peace, which was restored by Pakistan’s armed forces but PTI leadership was disparaging the institutions and termed it as unfair.





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