Home Pakistan Angelina Jolie visits Dadu to interact with flood victims

Angelina Jolie visits Dadu to interact with flood victims

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Sep 20(ABC): International humanitarian and Hollywood actor Angelina Jolie is visiting Dadu District in Sindh, which is one of the worst-affected areas due to the heavy flooding, to interact with the victims.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) said that Jolie was visiting Pakistan to support communities affected by the devastating floods.

Heavy rains and floods across the country have killed over 1,500 people, impacted 33 million, and submerged one-third of the country under water.

Jolie is visiting to witness and gain an understanding of the situation and to hear from people directly affected by the floods. She will be hearing their stories, talking about their needs, and discussing steps to prevent such suffering in the future, the IRC’s statement mentioned.

Jolie, who previously visited victims of the 2010 floods and 2005 earthquake in Pakistan when she was the UNHCR’s goodwill ambassador, is scheduled to visit the IRC’s emergency response operations and local organisations assisting displaced people, including Afghan refugees.

Pakistan is also the second largest host of refugees globally. The country’s people have sheltered Afghan refugees for over forty years.


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