Home Technology Scientists create remote-controlled cyborg cockroaches

Scientists create remote-controlled cyborg cockroaches

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Sep 6(ABC): A team of scientists has developed remote-controlled cockroaches that are part insect and part machine and have battery backpacks powered by solar panels, reported CNET.

The cyborgs will act as tiny investigators of the environment. They are also meant to help with rescue missions after natural disasters.

The insect’s nervous system is connected to the controller by attaching it to its antennae and cerci (rear sensory organs).

According to the study published in the journal npj Flexible Electronics, the power output of the cyborg is 50 times more than any previous device.

Scientists can remotely control the legs of the cyborg. The study pointed out that the ultrathin solar “panels” on the cockroach’s back do not come in its way.

When a button is pressed, the sensory organs of the roach receive electrical impulses. The shock makes it possible for the cyborg to move.

While the machine currently uses a rechargeable battery, scientists want to get rid of it as the insects are to be used in critical times where more durability is required.


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