Home Pakistan Dengue cases continue to increase in Sindh, Punjab

Dengue cases continue to increase in Sindh, Punjab

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KARACHI, LAHORE, Sep 6(ABC): At least 97 people in Sindh and 85 in Punjab are confirmed to be affected by the dengue virus in the last 24 hours.

Cases of dengue have increased in the two provinces with Sindh being more impacted where 92 patients were reported to have been sick with the virus in various districts across Karachi.

According to Sindh’s health department, most number of cases in Karachi were reported from the district west where 27 people were confirmed to be infected by the virus, 26 cases were reported from district east, 17 from district south, nine cases from district west, seven from Kemari, four from Malir, and two were confirmed from district Korangi.

The health department further shared that in the first five days of September, 347 people, including women and children were confirmed to have been infected by the virus, while the total number of patients reported this year has reached 2,922.


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