Home Pakistan Manchar Lake cracked at R.D- 14 to reduce water pressure

Manchar Lake cracked at R.D- 14 to reduce water pressure

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HYDERABAD, Sep 04 (ABC): Pakistan’s largest Manchar lake has been breached near Bagh Yusuf on Sunday to reduce the flood water pressure and save the majority population from being inundated. According to the official statement, a cut was given at the RD-14 to reduce the flood water pressure in Manchar Lake.

Jamshoro’s DC Fariduddin Mustafa has confirmed that a crack had been given to Manchar Lake at RD-14 near Bagh Yusuf. According to the Sindh Irrigation Department, after cutting the Manchar Lake, the water will enter the Indus River through the village of Kiranpur and the Indus Link.

The Irrigation department officials said that after the cut, the water pressure from Manchar Lake would be decreased by 30 percent. Due to the rising water level in Manchar Lake, there was a risk of the breaking of embankment of the Lake and there was a fear of submerging the Sehwan and other populous towns. In view of the flood situation, the residents have started to relocate, while after the water pressure increased on the ring embankments of Mehar and Johi cities, the citizens are busy filling sacks with soil to strengthen the embankments.


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