Home Business Over 1.5m cotton bales reach ginneries across Pakistan, with 14.4 pc decrease

Over 1.5m cotton bales reach ginneries across Pakistan, with 14.4 pc decrease

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MULTAN, Sep 03 (ABC): Seed cotton (Phutti) equivalent to over 1.5 million or exactly 15,39,710 bales have reached ginning factories across the country till September 1, registering decrease of 14.04 percent as compared to corresponding period of last year.

According to a fortnightly report of Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) released on Saturday, over 1.4 million or 14,04,254 bales have undergone the ginning process i.e converted into bales. Cotton arrivals in Punjab were recorded at over 0.7 million or 7,03, 993 bales registering a surplus of 29.09 percent as compared to corresponding period of last year when arrivals were recorded 1,58,650 bales.

Sindh generated over 0.8 million or 8,35,717 bales registering decrease of 32.92 pc as compared to corresponding period of last year when arrivals were recorded 12,45,782 bales.

Textile mills bought 13,24,769 bales while exporters and Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) didn’t buy during the cotton season 2022-23.

Sanghar district of Sindh topped with cotton arrival figure of 6,12,056 bales followed by Vehari district of Punjab with 1,03,257 bales. Total 392 ginning factories were operational in the country.

Exactly 2,14,951 cotton bales unsold stock was available in ginning factories.








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