Home World Turkey accuses Greece of ‘hostile action’ against jets

Turkey accuses Greece of ‘hostile action’ against jets

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ISTANBUL, Aug 29(ABC): Turkey on Sunday (Aug 28) said fellow NATO member Greece had used a Russian-made air defence system to harass Turkish jets on a reconnaissance mission in what it termed a “hostile action”.

The incident took place on Aug 23 when Greece s S-300 missile system on the island of Crete put a lock on Turkish F-16 jets flying at 10,000 feet west of Rhodes, Turkish defence ministry sources said.

That was “incompatible with the spirit of (NATO) alliance” and amounted to “hostile acts” under the NATO rules of engagement, the sources added.

“Despite this hostile action, (Turkish) jets completed their planned missions and returned to their base safely.”

Greek defence ministry sources dismissed the allegations.

“Greece s S-300 missile system has never put a lock on Turkish F-16 jets”, the sources said, according to state-run Ert television.

Turkey has in recent months complained of what it calls provocative actions by Greece, saying such moves undermine peace efforts.

The two uneasy NATO neighbours have long-standing sea and air boundary disputes which lead to near-daily air force patrols and interception missions mostly around Greek islands near Turkey s coastline.

Athens accuses Ankara of overflying Greek islands.

Turkey says Greece is stationing troops on islands in the Aegean Sea in violation of peace treaties signed after World Wars I and II.


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