Home Health Here is why you should not take a shower during thunderstorm

Here is why you should not take a shower during thunderstorm

3 min read

Aug 29(ABC): There are many things that scientists say should not be done during thunderstorms like standing near trees, going outside, and taking a shower.

While other concepts are easily understood, not taking a shower seems a little weird. However, physicists explain that by showering during a thunderstorm, people open themselves up for an electric shock, reported The Conversation.

This is because if electricity strikes a house, it is likely that it will also travel through the pipes.

While the chances of being struck by lightning are low, being careful is crucial. The energy created by lightning, full of negative and positive charges, has to go somewhere.

When lightning strikes, it finds the path that is least resistant. And conductors allow electricity to flow easily. When showering during a thunderstorm, people put themselves close to two primary conductors: water and metal pipes.

Water easily carries electricity and so does metal.

The electric discharge can travel through both and get into the shower or the tub, said James Rawlings, a Physics lecturer at Nottingham Trent University.


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