Home China China holds conference on internet civilization

China holds conference on internet civilization

3 min read

TIANJIN, Aug 29(ABC): A conference on fostering an internet civilization opened on Sunday afternoon in north China’s Tianjin Municipality.

The two-day 2022 China Internet Civilization Conference consists of a main forum, a forum on developing integrity in cyberspace, 10 sub-forums, an exhibition and themed events.

A declaration on jointly promoting an internet civilization has been released, containing a six-point consensus on strengthening the construction of an internet civilization for the new era in such areas as internet ecology, culture and security.

The conference’s exhibition, held both online and offline, opened to highlight the progress China has made in promoting an internet civilization since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012.

The sub-forums cover topics ranging from content development, ecology and law-based governance in cyberspace to the management of algorithms, international exchanges and privacy protection in cyberspace.


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