Home China China launches emergency response to possible geological disasters

China launches emergency response to possible geological disasters

2 min read

BEIJING, Aug 24(ABC): China on Wednesday activated a Level-IV emergency response to possible geological disasters triggered by Typhoon Ma-on, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources. Typhoon Ma-on, the ninth typhoon of the year, is expected to make landfall on the coast of Guangdong Province during the daytime on Thursday, bringing torrential rains to southern parts of the country.

Affected by Typhoon Ma-on, the southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and western Yunnan will see high risks of geological disasters, the ministry said. Local governments should attach great importance to the prevention of and response to heavy rains triggered by Typhoon Ma-on, it said. They should also be thorough in their inspection, monitoring and early warning processes, it said.


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