Home Pakistan Sherry urges PTI to tender unconditional apology for misleading nation

Sherry urges PTI to tender unconditional apology for misleading nation

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ISLAMABAD, Aug 12 (APP):Federal Minister for Climate Change Senator Sherry Rehman  Friday urged the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to tender an unconditional apology for misleading nation through its fake and concocted narrative  to target its political rivals.

Addressing a media briefing here, the minister lambasted the PTI and its leadership for propagating false narrative among the masses and misguiding them under the guise of accusations of corruption against its political rivals.

Sherry Rehman said it was a pertinent discussion to apprise the masses that the PTI and its leadership through its hypothetical statements and bag of lies tired to isolate Pakistan.

She said the PTI had silently hired an American lobbyist firm to improve its ties,  perception in the United States of America (USA) and enhance its advertisement.

“You have repeatedly perpetrated propaganda against USA and befooled the nation under your fake narrative,” the minister said.

While elucidating the details of the PTI agreement with the US lobbyist firm, she said it was a six month agreement, for which, the PTI paid a sum of $5,000 for one time and would further pay $25,000 per month for getting its services.

She queried, “What kind of hypocrisy is this that the entire nation was involved in a hoax propaganda and this party secretly hired a lobbyist firm to get its projection better in the US?”

She underlined that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) had clearly accused the PTI for receiving prohibited funding from the foreign sources.

She questioned that some PTI leaders said the agreement was for PTI’s advertisement, adding, “Why you need advertisement in USA?”

She also read out the salient features of the agreement done with the lobbyist firm.


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