Home World India reports 10th case of monkeypox

India reports 10th case of monkeypox

3 min read

NEW DELHI, August 13(ABC): The 10th case of monkeypox was confirmed in the Indian capital city New Delhi, local media reported Saturday. The patient has been identified as a 22-year-old woman of African-origin, who was staying in the southern part of the capital.

The fresh case put the number of monkeypox cases in the Indian capital alone to five. Local media quoted health officials as reporting that the woman tested positive on Friday and had traveled to Africa a month ago. “One patient has been admitted in Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan (LNJP) Hospital and her sample tested positive, at present four patients are admitted and one has been discharged,” Suresh Kumar of LNJP Hospital was quoted as saying.

So far, one death from monkeypox has been reported in the southern state of Kerala. Following the detection of the first case of monkeypox, the federal government issued a series of guidelines to curb its outbreak.

The health ministry urged people to stay safe from monkeypox by following preventative measures and approach doctors immediately if any of the symptoms related to the disease occur. Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease that presents symptoms which include fever, an extensive characteristic rash and usually swollen lymph nodes.


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