Home Business Turkey’s current account deficit at $3.4B in June

Turkey’s current account deficit at $3.4B in June

2 min read

ANKARA, August 11(ABC): Türkiye’s current account balance registered a $3.4 billion deficit in June, widening by $2.2 billion year-on-year, according to official data released on Thursday.

The figure stemmed from a marked rise in the goods trade deficit, which grew $4.8 billion to reach $6.4 billion, the Turkish Central Bank said. The country’s 12-month rolling deficit stood at $32.7 billion this June. The gold- and energy-excluded current account posted a $4.2 billion surplus, versus a surplus of over $1.9 billion in the same month of last year.

Meanwhile, direct investment recorded a net inflow of $950 million while portfolio investment posted a net outflow of $1.6 billion. “As regards to sub-items in liabilities, non-residents’ transactions on equity securities and government domestic debt securities recorded net sales of $509 million and $218 million, respectively,” it said.


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