Home World Aligarh Muslim University to quit teaching Pakistani writer’s books

Aligarh Muslim University to quit teaching Pakistani writer’s books

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WEB DESK, August 2(ABC): The management committee of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) in India has decided to exclude the books written by Pakistani and Egyptian authors from the syllabus.

The university was established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in India’s Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, as Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875.

The books, written by Indo-Pak writer Abu al-A’la al-Mawdudi and Egyptian writer Sayyid Qutb, were taught in the Department of Islamic Studies to the BA and MA students.

“This decision has been taken in response to a recent letter that was written by social activist and academician Madhu Kishwar, along with some other academicians, to PM Modi, in which the books of these authors were demanded not to be taught to the students,”  quoted a senior from the university staff as saying.

The letter also had other universities teaching these books including the Jamia Milia Islamia and Hamdard University.

In this regard, Head Professor Muhammad Ismail of the Islamic Studies Department said that the board has decided on removing all the books from the curriculum that are written by Pakistani authors, adding that these books have been taught for a long time and they do not promote anything controversial.


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