Home Latest Imran Khan, Miftah Ismail trade barbs after rupee plunges to record low against dollar

Imran Khan, Miftah Ismail trade barbs after rupee plunges to record low against dollar

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ISLAMABAD, July 29(ABC): Finance Minister Miftah Ismail and PTI Chairperson Imran Khan got involved in a war of words on Twitter over the rupee’s recent depreciation against the dollar.

In response to Khan’s tweet on rising inflation and depreciation of the local currency during the coalition government’s tenure, the finance minister in a thread, compared the PTI-led government’s performance with the incumbent government.

Miftah said that the Pakistani rupee was at 122 when Khan came to power and left it at 190. He added that Pakistan owed Rs25,000 billion, however, the government owed Rs44,000 billion when he left.

The finance minister further said that the PTI chief left the energy sector in a serious mess “with no provision or contracts for gas or fuel, and circular debts of Rs2,500 billion in power and Rs1,500 billion in gas”.

Miftah added that Khan drove the country towards bankruptcy after breaking the agreement will the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by giving subsidies on fuel.

Holding the PTI chairperson responsible for the mess Pakistan is in, the finance minister said that the coalition government saved the country from defaulting.

“From Toshakhana watches to foreign funding to giving confiscated £190 mil back to demanding jewellery to Farah Khan wielding power and taking bribes, we know who is the real thief,” he added.

Earlier, Khan, while criticising the current government, said that the dollar was Rs178 at the time of vote on no-confidence and has reached Rs250 today.


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