Home Pakistan Power shortfall reaches 5,415 megawatts

Power shortfall reaches 5,415 megawatts

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ISLAMABAD, July 26 (ABC): The power shortfall in the country has gone up to 5,415 megawatts, power demand is 28,000 megawatts, while production lags at 22,585 megawatts. According to power division sources, the power shortfall in the country has exceeded 5,000 megawatts.

The total production of electricity in the country is 22,585 megawatts while the demand is 28,000 megawatts, it added. Sources say that a total of 7,000 megawatts are being produced using Hydral power, while Independent Power Producers (IPP) are producing 10,750 megawatts.

The Thar mill power plants are producing a total of 1,250 megawatts of power, while 2,385 megawatts are being produced using nuclear power. Renewale sources of power such as wind and solar power plants are producing 150 and 950 megawatts of energy, while another 100 megawatts are being produced via biogas. Unannounced load-shedding of over 8 hours is being observed in rural and urban areas of the country.


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