Home Pakistan Load-shedding increases as power shortfall rises by 1,500 MW

Load-shedding increases as power shortfall rises by 1,500 MW

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ISLAMABAD, July 16 (ABC): The power shortfall in the country crossed 4,500 MW on Saturday increasing load-shedding durations across rural and urban areas of the country.

According to details, the power shortfall in the country increased by 1,500 megawatts and crossed 4,500 megawatts.

The load shedding duration reached 4-6 hours across the country. The current demand for power in the country is 28,500 megawatts while the production lags at 24,000 megawatts. Sources say that the load-shedding duration could increase if production is not spiked.

At the beginning of the month, the power shortfall had reached 7,787 megawatts as production stagnated at 21,213 MW and demand reached 29,000 MW.

However, the situation improved as the power shortfall reduces to 3000 megawatts on Friday. The power demand in the country is 27,000 while supply has been increased to 24,000 MW. a relief has been provided in load-shedding across rural and urban feeders.


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