Home Pakistan Dua Zehra case: Zaheer’s presence in Karachi on incident date confirmed

Dua Zehra case: Zaheer’s presence in Karachi on incident date confirmed

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KARACHI, July 16 (ABC): Investigation Officer in Dua Zehra case, has said that presence of Zaheer Ahmed, the ‘husband’ of Dua Zehra, has been confirmed in Karachi on April 16, the day of the incident. The investigation officer, who had reached city court today, said that the CDR has been found, “We are impartially investigating into the case,” he added.

Another plea was filed with the session court on Thursday to change the investigation officer in the Dua Zehra case. The plea stated that the case has been changed altogether after the medical report revealed that the girl is aged 15-year-old.

“The investigation officer is not probing the matter following medical report,” it said, adding that the applicant in the case and family no longer trust the IO.

On July 02, the Judicial Magistrate court Karachi east had rejected Dua Zehra’s father’s earlier plea to change the investigation officer of the case. The court had dismissed Mehdi Ali Kazmi’s plea to change the investigation officer saying the C class report of the IO has not been accepted yet.

A report of a medical commission formed to assess the age of Dua Zehra, the teenage girl who went missing from Karachi and later claimed to have married Zaheer Ahmed, determined her age at 14 to 15 years keeping in view her physical appearance while the age determined through her teeth is between 13 to 15 years.

The bone ossification test has however revealed her age as between 16 to 17 years. The report concluded that after consultation between medical experts on multiple factors determining her age, it has been agreed that the girl is aged between 15 to 16-year-old. The report was signed by the chairman and other 10 members of the medical board.


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