Home Latest Nation celebrates Eid ul Adha as country battles COVID-19 surge

Nation celebrates Eid ul Adha as country battles COVID-19 surge

2 min read


ISLAMABAD, July 10(ABC): Pakistanis are celebrating Eid ul Adha today (Sunday) with religious zeal and fervour, as the country continues to report a steady rise in COVID-19 cases – mostly being attributed to the sub-variants of Omicron.

While celebrations are in full swing, several parts of the country are recovering from the damage of this weeks rains.

The day dawned with special prayers in mosques for the well-being of the Muslim Ummah and progress, prosperity and security of the country.

Eid prayers’ congregations were held at mosques, Eidgahs and open places in all cities, towns and villages.

Ulema, in their sermons of Eid, highlighted the significance of the philosophy of the sacrifice offered by Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismael (AS).

People are offering the sacrifice of animals to follow the sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).


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