Home China China urges U.S. to stop suppression of Chinese firms

China urges U.S. to stop suppression of Chinese firms

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BEIJING, July 1(ABC): The United States should immediately correct its mistakes and stop sanctioning and suppressing Chinese enterprises, China’s commerce ministry said Thursday.

Shu Jueting, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, made the comments in response to recent U.S. moves to impose sanctions on relevant Chinese companies on excuses related to Russia, Iran, and military links at a press briefing.

In the name of “upholding international order,” such actions are, in essence, practices of unilateralism, protectionism, and bullying, and are typically economic coercion, Shu said.

Such actions severely undermined international economic order and trade rules and threatened the stability of global industrial and supply chains. They also damaged the vital interests of enterprises globally, including Chinese and U.S. enterprises, Shu said. Shu noted that China firmly opposes them.

Shu said China would take necessary measures to resolutely protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

“We hope that the United States could meet China halfway and do more things conducive to the stability of global industrial and supply chains and economic recovery,” Shu said.


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