Home Pakistan Six of family killed in rickshaw-van collision in Sargodha

Six of family killed in rickshaw-van collision in Sargodha

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SARGODHA, June 29(ABC): Six members of a family were killed and one injured in a Rickshaw-van collision on Khushab road in Sargodha.

According to the details, Falak Shair (48) along with Mumtaz Hakim (55), Ghulam Shabbir (47), Mazhar Hayyat (45), Foji Mumtaz (55), Khawaja Muhammad Yasin and Muhammad Abdullah (55) was on his way to Sargodha on Motorcycle Rikshaw.

Near the Khushab road, the rickshaw collided with a van coming from the opposite direction, the collision was so severe that 6 people were died on the spot and Muhammad Yasin severely injured. Rescue 1122 shifted the dead bodies and injured to DHQ hospital.

Police seized the vehicle and registered a case against the driver. The bodies of the deceased were handed over to heirs after necessary action at DHQ Hospital Sargodha.

After the funeral prayers, the bodies have been buried in the ancestral graveyard of the village.


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