Home China President Xi calls for high-quality partnership for new era of global development

President Xi calls for high-quality partnership for new era of global development

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BEIJING, June 25 (ABC): Chinese President Xi Jinping hosted the High-level Dialogue on Global Development on Friday in virtual format, calling for forging high-quality partnership for new era of global development.

“We must get a good grasp of the overarching development trend in the world, firm up confidence, and act in unison and with great motivation to promote global development and foster a development paradigm featuring benefits for all, balance, coordination, inclusiveness, win-win cooperation and common prosperity,” said Xi.

“We are meeting at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is eroding decades of gains in global development,” Xi said, adding the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is encountering difficulties, the North-South gap keeps widening, and crises are emerging in food and energy security. “Only when people all over the world live better lives can prosperity be sustained, security safeguarded and human rights solidly grounded,” said the Chinese president.

Noting all countries need to jointly build international consensus on promoting development, Xi said it is important that we put development front and center on the international agenda, deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and build political consensus to ensure everyone values development and all countries pursue cooperation together.

“We need to jointly foster new drivers for global development,” Xi said. He called on all sides to promote scientific, technological and institutional innovation, speed up technology transfer and knowledge sharing, boost the development of modern industries, and close the digital divide and accelerate low-carbon transition.


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