Home Latest Wouldn’t take time for us to sit on opposition benches, MQM warns

Wouldn’t take time for us to sit on opposition benches, MQM warns

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ISLAMABAD, June 29(ABC): Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-Pakistan) on Wednesday while warning the government said that it wouldn’t take much time to sit in opposition benches from treasury benches.

The meeting, chaired by National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf, began with a two-hour delay to approve the budget. Members of the ruling coalition MQM recorded a strong protest over delay in start of budget session.

MQM members Salahuddin and Qaim Khani said the MQM had paid a heavy political price for the government but it will not take them long to sit on opposition benches. They said there is no electricity in our city Hyderabad and the airport is inactive while the railway is destroyed. This attitude will not make this government work. “The budget did not give any priority to projects in our areas,” they said.

The MQM members of the National Assembly protested and threatened to walk out of the house. “There is a person in the government who is not allowing our projects to be included in the budget,” he said.


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