Home Pakistan KP Govt declares D.I. Khan, Chitral as calamity-hit districts

KP Govt declares D.I. Khan, Chitral as calamity-hit districts

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PESHAWAR, Aug 22 (ABC): The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government on Monday declared two districts D. I. Khan and Chitral as calamity-hit areas after flash floods unleashed by heavy rainfall and promised to announce special rehabilitation package for the affected areas soon.

Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Mahmood Khan has directed concerned authorities to expedite relief and rescue operation in the calamity hit areas.

He directed the district administrations to take necessary steps on emergency basis to provide food, drinking water  and other essential items to people in the flood affected areas.

He also directed district administration and relief organizations to reach out every single person affected by floods.

He said that he would personally visit D.I. Khan and Chitral as soon as the weather improves and would monitor ongoing relief operations in the affected areas, besides assessment of  damages.

He said that loss of lives and properties would be compensated and sought report of damages from the district administrations.

Chief Minister directed to restore the damaged infrastructure in the flood affected areas at the earliest. He said that all available resources will be utilized to help and rehabilitate the victims.


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