Home World Population decline: Russia offers 1 million rubles to women who have 10 children

Population decline: Russia offers 1 million rubles to women who have 10 children

3 min read

MOSCOW, Aug 20(ABC): The Russian government has offered one million Rubles to women who will give birth to and raise 10 children to revive the population of the country, reported.

The government is bringing back the “Mother Heroine” honorary title after it saw a decline in the younger population since its invasion of Ukraine.

To understand how big the cash prize is, convert it into Pakistani Rupee and it makes Rs3,637,750.

To grab the award, the children must be given sufficient care, education, and “physical, spiritual and moral development”.

These women will also undergo an assessment. The details of the assessment have not been shared.

According to the report, the awardees will get a five-pointed star medal.

The honorary title “Mother Heroine” was first developed during the second world war by Joseph Stalin. A huge population was lost in the war, reported.

The title holds the same significance as other high-ranking state awards like “Hero of Russia”.


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