Home Latest Punjab Assembly passes no-confidence motion against deputy speaker

Punjab Assembly passes no-confidence motion against deputy speaker

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LAHORE, July 28(ABC): The Punjab Assembly passed a no-confidence motion against deputy speaker Dost Muhammad Mazari after his ties deteriorated with the ruling PTI.

PTI Chairman Imran Khan and other party leaders severely criticised the deputy speaker for his ruling, which deprived Pervez Elahi of becoming the chief minister after he rejected 10 votes from the PML-Q — enabling Hamza Shahbaz to retain the top office.

But the setback was short-lived as the Supreme Court annulled Mazari’s ruling and instated the Khan-backed candidate, Elahi, as the chief minister.

In today’s assembly session, Parliamentary Leader in the Provincial Assembly Raja Bisharat submitted a motion of no-confidence against Mazari, which was passed by the house’s majority.

Following this, Waseem Khan, a member Panel of Chair who was presiding over the session, adjourned it till tomorrow.

As Elahi has now become the chief minister, the speaker’s slot has become effectively vacant and the election for the high-ranking office will take place tomorrow at 5pm.

PTI has nominated Sibtain Khan for the speaker’s slot and Wasiq Qayyum as the deputy speaker.


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