Home Latest Lahore seeing repetition of Sindh House horse-trading, claims Imran Khan

Lahore seeing repetition of Sindh House horse-trading, claims Imran Khan

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WEB DESK, July 20(ABC): As the race for Punjab’s chief minister’s election heats up, PTI Chairman Imran Khan claimed on Wednesday that horse-trading was happening in Lahore with MPAs being offered Rs500 million to switch their loyalty.

“Today, Lahore is seeing a repetition of the Sindh House horse-trading episode that happened in Islamabad, with up to Rs500 million being offered to buy MPAs,” tweeted the PTI chairman. He alleged that PPP Co-chairperson Asif Ali Zardari was the “main architect” behind this, adding that the former president has secured an “NRO for his corruption and purchases people with looted wealth”.

The former prime minister also demanded the PPP leader be jailed.

“This is not only an attack on our democracy but also on the moral fabric of our society. Had Supreme Court taken action and debarred these turncoats for life, it would have acted as a deterrent,” claimed the PTI chairman.

He also asked the “handlers” of the incumbent government whether they realised the “severe damage being done to the nation”.

The PTI chairman further claimed that after his government was “toppled with stolen money from Sindh and NRO 2 achieved, certified criminal Asif Zardari in cahoots with Sharif mafia now seeking to steal Punjab people’s mandate by trying to purchase MPAs”.

“Want to ask Honourable Supreme Court are they not cogniscant of the damage being wreaked? Isn’t destruction of our democracy, Constitution and nation’s morality a fit case for Suo Moto action? Are the “Neutrals” not realising how our beloved country is literally being destroyed on all fronts by the Imported government brought in through US regime change conspiracy?” asked the former prime minister.


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