Home Pakistan Nation remembers Fatima Jinnah on 55th death anniversary

Nation remembers Fatima Jinnah on 55th death anniversary

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ISLAMABAD, July 9(ABC): The 55th death anniversary of Madar-e-Millat Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah is being observed today (Saturday) across the country with great respect and reverence.

Fatima Jinnah played a vital role in the creation of Pakistan. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was deeply affected after his wife’s death in 1929. Fatima Jinnah worked side by side with her brother and gathered the women of sub-continent on one platform which made the struggle for achieving a separate state of Muslims easier.

In 1947, Fatima Jinnah formed the Women s Relief Committee, which later formed the nucleus for the All Pakistan Women s Association (APWA). She also played a significant role in the settlement of Muhajirs in the new state of Pakistan.

Fatima Jinnah is referred as the Madar-i-Millat or Mother of the Nation for her role in the Freedom Movement. She returned to the political forefront to contest the 1964 elections at the age of 71 against the military administrator, Ayub Khan.

Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah was born on July 31, 1893 in Karachi and passed away on July 9, 1967. Fatima Jinnah, is still remembered for her passionate support for civil rights, and devoted struggle in Pakistan Movement.


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